Tribute To Chilli PeppersOm Ganeshaaya NamahOm Gurubhyo NamahOm Anna Devatabhyo Namah

For the first time ever in the history , I have composed and compiled one thousand names and attributes of the world's most loved spice which we know as "CHILLI'.
The compilation of the names has been done as in the same fashion as religious sanskrtit names of Gods and Goddesses have been compiled in Sanskrit Religious Literature.
I not only adore and love chilli peppers , I revear the wonderful spice. It is the greatest gift ever given by Latin American continent to India and the rest of the world.
I hope that people will appreciate my love for this wonderful spice.
Naga Jolokia Addict.........
Marich Gayatri Mantra
Om RaktavarNaaya Vidmahe,
TikshNa swadaaya Dhimahi
Tanno Mirchi Prachodayat
We devote our thoughts to the blood red coloured chilli
we meditate upon Chilli which is fiery in taste
May the Chilli guide us(for health and taste) to the right path.
Atha: Hemant Trivedi Virachita Marich Sahastranamavali
Om Mariche Namah
Vaishwanaraya Namah
Raktavarnaya Namah
Agnaye Namah
Kshudhakaraye Namah
I bow to Chilli pepper
which is igniter of fire in belly (hunger)
which is of blood red colour
which is Fire incarnate
which is Inducer of Hunger
Trisha vardhakaya namah
Raktashodhakaya Namah
Madhuprameha nashakaya Namah
Raktachap shaamakaya Namah
Udara Vrina Nashakaya Namah
I bow to,
Increser of thirst
Purifier of blood
Destroyer of Diabetes
Reducer of blood pressure
Destroyer of stomach ulcers.
Basti Vrinaharaya Namah
Meda Nashakaya Namah
Kamapradiptakartre Namah
Tridosh haraye Namah
Ruchi vardhan kartre Namah
I bow to,
Destroyer of prostrate cancer
Reducer of obesity
Enhancer of libido
Remover of three defects that are due to Gas, Bileand phlegm.
Enhancer of taste in food.
Suruchaye Namah
Diptaaya Namah
Pradiptaaya Namah
Dukh hartaaye Namah
Shiro vedana Haraye Namah
I bow to
Enhancer of hunger
That which is burning
That which is in flames
That which removes pain.
That which removes headaches
Bahu Nama Dharine Namah
Bahuroopinye Namah
Raktamla Hartaye Namah
Jwalaye Namah.
Ayudhaaya Namah................................25
I bow to,
That which has many names
That which has many shapes
That Which removes blood acidocys
That Which is like a flame
That Which serves as a weapon
Paataaldeshjaye Namah
Sarvatra priye Namah
Sarva priye Namah
Su Tamase Namah
Sarva Varnapriye Namah
I bow to,
Chilli Which is born in American continent
Which is popular everywhere
Which is loved by all
which is HOT but good
which is loved by all classes of people
Sarvabhowma priye Namah
Rasottamaya Namah
Tikshna Rasakartre Namah
Ashrukartre Namah
Raktambaraya Namah
I bow to,
One which is loved in any land
Which is best of the six tastes
Which is of hot taste
Which makes one cry
Which is adorned in red covering
Pitambaraya Namah
Garbhini priye Namah
Sukhadukha kartre Namah
Kimshuka priye Namah
Kantha mitraya Namah
I bow to,
One which is adorned in orange covering
That Which is loved by pregnant women
That which gives happiness associated with pain
That Which is loved by Parrots
That which is a friend of singer's vocal cords
Keshakrishna kartre Namah
Roga Hartaye Namah
Asthishool shamakaya Namah
Udararoga haraye Namah
Kantha shuddhi kartre Namah
I bow to,
One which blackens hair
Which removes diseases
which removes pains associated with bones (arthrities)
Which removes stomach ailments
which clears throat problems
Sukantha Datre Namah
Dirghayush Datre Namah
Sulabha Aushadhe Namah
Paramaushadhe Namah
Sarvakarshana Kartre Namah.......................50
I bow to,
Giver of sweet voice
Giver of long life
That Which is cheap medicine
That which is supreme medicine
That Which attracts everyone by taste.
Sphoorti Daayakaya Namah
Aalasya Naashine Namah
Ashrudaayakaaya Namah
Kesha Mitraye Namah
Shramajeevi Mitraye Namah
I bow to,
That Which gives alertness
That Which removes lazyness
That Which makes one cry
That Which is a friend of hair
That Which is a friend of Labourers
Shadrasottamaya Namah
Bhootgana Shatru Roopaye Namah
Durdrishti Nashakaya Namah
Dehasoukhya Daayakaya Namah
Divya Aushadh roopaye Namah
I bow to,
That Which is best among six tastes
Enemy of evil spirits
Remover of effects due to evil eye
Giver of healthy body
That Which is a Divine medicine
Pushtikaraaya Namaha
Tushti karaaya Namah
Kanti vardhakaaya Namah
Tvacha Mitraya Namah
Capsicumaya Namah
I bow to,
That Which fills the body with muscles and flesh
That Which satisfies you
That Which improves complexion of skin
That which is a friend of skin
That Which is known as Capsicum
Brand rissie Namah
Filfil har Namne Namah
fulful harr Namne Namah
Dar feller Namne Namah
Felfelaya Namah
Jolokia Mariche Namah
HuaycaYe Namah
LakaYe Namah
Lanka mariche Namah
Moriche Namah........................................75
Lal mariche Namah
Nga yut theeye Namah
Nil theeYe Namah
La jiao Mariche Namah
Mi jiao Namne Namah
Ye la ziYe Namah
Ye jiao zi Ye Namah
Paprika ljuta Ye Namah
Spanskpebee Namah.
Bird pepperaye Namah
Chili pepperaye Namah
Goat pepper Mariche Namah
Spur pepper Phalaya Namah,
Chilli Ye Namah
Bird's-eye chilliye Namah
Cayenne pepperaya Namah
Chilipippuri Mariche Namah
Piment des oiseauxe Namah
Piment enragé Namah
ZiegenpfefferNamne Namah
Vogelpfefferaye Namah
Roter Pfeffere Namah,
Chili Pfeffere Namah
Kafstiki pipera ye Namah
Marchu we Namah
Mirchiye Namah
Adom Mariche Namah
Pilpel harife Namah
Mirche Namah
Peperone acre Namah
Peperone d'India we Namah
Peperone rabbioso we Namah
Pepe d'ucello we Namah....................................108
To be contd..........................................
The photograph is taken from
with thanks
Excellent Job HemantBhai :) Now for the benefit of folks like me who are Sanskrit Challenged.. is there anyway you can translate this into English? In fact its a nice way to learn how an Hindu Homage/Omam is conducted..
I will be visiting this page on a regular basis just to get a grasp of various vocabulary.. KUDOS to you for this excellent work!!!
OK, let me restate.. after reading closely.. some of them I do understand and some I don't at the current point.. I must say it is darn creative :)
do svidaniya,
welcome to the ultimate chilli blog.
Yes, you have given me an idea. I will translate first 70 names from Sanskrit to English. Those names indicate health benefits that we can derive from consumption of Chillies.
You may add yourself as a follower of this blog.
Thanks for your kind words of encouragement.
Naga Jolokia Addict
Your dedication to the chilli is inspiring. I am in awe.
Don't you agree that if it were not for this wonderful pod,our diets would have been as un interesting as those of inuits?
I could not agree more. I cannot fathom life without chile/chilli.
All the way to the inuit diet? That's a little drastic, but I agree.
Read Farley Mowat's People of the Deer for some uh...eye-opening discussion of inuit food.
Thanks for the info . I will try to read the same. But you also agree that inuit food means all meat/fish/seal blood and no spices.
Thanks for those translation so far :)
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