A visit to the dentist involves more fear than pain
when you are a child.
A visit to the dentist involves no fear and bit of pain
when you are a youth.
A visit to the dentist involves no fear and a lot of pain
when you are old.
Ist Posting 20th October evening
So what has this to do with Hot Chilli Peppers?
Well, this has given me a chance to try out action of Hot Chili peppers (Naga Jolokia) on pain.
I wanted to prove the point that my old Ayah was right when she used to apply paste of fiery hot chillies on her forehead for her migrain attacks. And this was about 55 years back.!!
My dentist asked me to take pain killers and anti biotics for post dental work pain.
But I had other ideas in my mind. So I will take antibiotics but no pain killers.
What I have done is, that I have applied Naga Morich juice from inner parts to my affected cheek parts to see how the capsaicin works. It is almost 45 minutes since I applied the Lava .
My cheek has turned red. The pain part has diminished and there is no discomfort as of now.
I plan to apply Red Hot Lava juice every three hours to my cheek and also eat my usual dose of Naga Morich pickle to attack the pain generators. I am sure it is going to work like magic.
While I am typing this report, I can literally feel pain slowly subsiding. The throbbing pain has started to become a nagging ache.
I am sure that I will be out of this misery earlier than expected due to Naga Morich .
..Now where is my Pepper fairy? Storm ...are you reading this?
UPDATE AT 10.40 pm 20th October 2008
It is almost 14 hours since my molar was
drilled and filled.
Pain is almost not there. Cheek is still red.
By tomorrow I should be much more at ease.
If I press the filling, the pain is there.This means
I have to continue application of Naga juice tomorrow.
But today, I have applied only once so far.
The hot tingling is still very much there.
But I am happy that I did not take 3 pain killers as prescribed.
UPDATE on 21st October 2008 , 8.40 am
I must say that people have underestimated virtues of Chili peppers .Believe me, I spent my first 24 hours only on strength of Naga Morich applied topically.My 80 percent pain has disappeared. Deep within the tooth , I have neural pain and I will have to take an analgesic now to get relief from that pain.In my opinion, muscular pains and pains associated with topical neuron sensitivity like Arthrities are best treated with capsaicin.I will update you with more info
Pain on top of pain, hey?
You're either brave, or crazy, or maybe both...
I am both crazy and brave.
I know that I am doing the "RIGHT" thing.
Nature is with me. That means God is with me.
Naga Jolokia Addict
I've used pepper extracts topically for my arthritis and it works wonders, but it never occurred to me to use them for surgical pain relief. I shall be very interested to hear your final assessment of its effect.
The Pepper Fairy
I must say that people have underestimated virtues of Chili peppers .
Believe me, I spent my first 24 hours only on strength of Naga Morich applied topically.
My 80 percent pain has disappeared. Deep within the tooth , I have neural pain and I will have to take an analgesic now to get relief from that pain.
In my opinion, muscular pains and pains associated with topical neuron sensitivity like Arthrities are best treated with capsaicin.
I will update you with more info.
You might find this interesting.
Thanx for the link. I had read similar report about a couple of months back. But your link gives more info.
Thanks for the new enlightnenment.
Can it be possible that my daily intake of Naga might have resulted in less pain during the dental drilling and filling?
Next time I go for such, I would numb my nerve ends by topical application.
By the way, I applied raw Nga Juice only once yesterday and just now at 12 noon today for the second time.
It feels great.!!
Hemant...why not use clove oil as an analgesic?
Yes, I do have clove oil in my cupboard but I do not use it for pain removing (dental) purpose because it leaves a very sore skin lining in my mouth. May be I have some sort of allergic reaction to clove oil.
I used Kava Kava to numb my little boy's pain a few years agao at the dentistys and pepper extracts for sore joints.
Letting you all know that I am obtaining some nice quantities of seed for the Following Assam Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, Naga Morich, Trinidad 7 Pot, Trinidad Scorpion and the rare Malaysian Habanero Goronong. Contact me through my website at www.refiningfirechiles.com and I will send you a word doc that will give you all the information. I am paying quite a bit to get pure seeds but may re-sell to make a little profit.
Now here's other good news. I will be selling some plants. You do know these plants do not germinate well. So think about plants as an option to seed. Also I have the ability to create plants from cuttings. So as long as I get a few going I will have plants. Now if you are willing to wait I will have fresh chiles too. Then you can just take out your own seeds. So you can buy seeds from fatalii.net or UKchile seeds.You can contact me at jpdherb@cox.net or go to my site. God Bless! Jim
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